Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Earthen World

Photo Courtesy of Unsplash

Imagine the universe is one humongous corporation, founded by a creative genius-- the Matriarch. There’s a management hierarchy, employees, staff meetings, performance reviews, and on and on. Different worlds are the products of this great enterprise. This is the premise lurking in the background of my novel, Guardians of Grace, where Earth is only part of the Earthen world, and the Earthen world is only one of many worlds created by the Matriarch. 

Think of the Matriarch (or Matty to her friends) as an inventor, dreaming up worlds and the systems to maintain those worlds, conducting a beta test before sending them out for final release, and hiring staff to manage them. She's the first to admit that the Earthen world is her favorite-- so far. And the decay of Earth’s environment endangers the entire Earthen world.

So, what is the Earthen world? It’s a world consisting of multiple layers of realms, with Earth in the middle. Earth is the home of the living. When a person dies, their soul may ascend to one of the many realms in Heaven, called Halls, or they may descend to a realm in Hell, called Circles. Which realm a soul ends up in is determined by their character and actions.  But, souls have the ability to move among the Halls and Circles by proving themselves worthy so they may advance (or vice versa) and even rejoin the realm of the living. The movement of souls is what powers this world in a self-sustaining cycle of kinetic energy.

This system can get complicated, so the Matriarch charged the Archangel Gabriela and the Archangel Sataniel with directing the process for each of their territories. Gabriela relies on her organization of Guardian Angels to efficiently manage the movement of souls in the Halls of Heaven, and Sataniel has a similar organization of demons for the Circles of Hell. 

However, Sataniel's demons are a bit difficult to manage and they like to play around with the souls on Earth, maybe even snack on a few when they can. The demons aren't supposed to impact Earth directly, but they've figured out how to bend the rules by influencing the living. Human nature is ripe for such manipulation, with wealth and power being especially useful motivators in the hands of a demon who wants to push mankind in a certain direction, like wrecking Earth's environment.

This is the background behind the events in my novel. The story itself is from the human perspective, where the structure of the universe isn’t entirely known. But the prologue and epilogue provide clues. Future novels (because I’m loving this writing stuff) will explore other worlds, or the structure of this universe-- its products, customers and shareholders. Until then, I’ve got to get this thing published!

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

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