Tuesday, January 5, 2021

2021 is finally here!

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

It's a new year. 


Last year was, well, let's not talk about it. Okay?

I've got plans for 2021. This is going to be the year. The year of the Book. The year of the Short Story. The year of my Author's Platform.

First, the good stuff for you, dear reader. If you look over at this blog's menu on the right, you'll find several additions: 

  • I'm adding a page to share My Reading List, and if I read something I absolutely love, I'll put that in the recommended list on the bottom. I already listed my favorite books from 2020—check them out! 
  • There is also a page of Recommended Resources. It's still in development, but the idea is to share all the great resources I've learned about in my journey to becoming a published author. I'm open to additions if any of you have encountered a helpful website, group, or anything else you can think of.
Now, on to my writing goals for 2021. These are not resolutions. I stopped doing resolutions 30 pounds ago. This is very simply what I plan to focus my writing on as I approach 2021 with eager optimism.
  • Revise Guardians of Grace. That's right. I'm taking it apart and putting it back together with more conflict and tension and stronger character arcs. I want to finish that this quarter and get back in the querying trenches to find a literary agent, or a publisher.
  • Finish Earth's Grace, the second book in the Earthen World series and get some beta readers on it.
  • Start my next book. I've got several projects rattling around in my head. I'll tease you with the titles: The Scent of Death, The Stacks, The Family Tree (series)
  • Submit one short story per month to a Literary Magazine. (Gotta build up those writing creds...) I'll let you know if anything gets published. 
Goodness, I'd better get cracking!

May your 2021 make up for 2020!

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